Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another Order for Shirts and...

With November quickly fading away, delivery of a new garment order will be into January/February. This ultimately depends on the current production level and ship schedule at the supplier.

Be aware that we may not hit the numbers we need for price-breaks on the shirts (long sleeve, short sleeve, singlet). This is simply because the 70 items just recently distributed have eased initial demand. Here's the cost scenario:
Singlets = $35.50 or more ordered = $30
Short Sleeves = $40.50 or more = $29
Long Sleeves = $42.50 50 or more = $31.50
PLUS portion of shipping fees, GST and potential artist time for new styles or items.

Many of you have taken a greater interest in getting new gear such as jackets & vests. In upcoming posts you will see designs, prices and sizing for these new items and then we'll start taking requests for the next order (along with shirts).

Be sure to subscribe to the RoadRunners blog or check it out from time to time for updates. When an order is in the works, that is where I will post alerts to visit this apparel blog . My primary method of communication on general details will be the apparel blog and then personal email for finer details and confirmations.

Of course you can always inquire in person, just assume I have the memory of a gnat and be sure to use written communication to help with the upkeep of order details, inquiries, and so forth :D